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Iwalewahaus der Universität Bayreuth

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Videograf Englisch

Videographer: Temuera Samuel
Length: 8:42 min
Port Moresby: November 2024
In the heart of Papua New Guinea, where culture and creativity
intertwine, we gather to celebrate a legacy of artistic brilliance.
Tonight, we honor not only the artists of today but also the visionary
who continues to inspire generations, Timothy Akis. His art, rich with
the essence of our land and traditions, has laid the foundation for a
new generation of creatives who dare to look forward, envisioning
dreams and aspirations for our beloved PNG.
This is more than just an art exhibition. It is a reflection of our nation’s
past, present, and future, painted by the hands of artists whose works
speak of hope, dreams, and a deep connection to the land we call
Timothy Akis was a pioneer—a visionary who saw the world through
the eyes of an artist, deeply connected to his roots. His work
transcended boundaries, drawing inspiration from the rich cultural
heritage of PNG. Our stories, our myths. Our people. Through his art,
Akis gave life to the landscapes and spirits of our ancestors, weaving
them into a narrative that continues to inspire today.
But Akis didn’t just capture the past. His art was a bridge to the future,
urging us to look beyond what we see, to explore what we could
become. It is this forward-thinking vision that drives the creation of
the Timothy Akis Art Prize—a prize not just for artistic excellence but
for those who dare to dream big, for those whose art speaks to the
future of PNG while honoring the legacy Akis left behind.
In his work, we see more than brushstrokes and color. We see a
roadmap, a guide to how art can inspire a nation, how creativity can
fuel progress. And tonight, we carry his vision forward, celebrating
those who, like Akis, have the courage to tell the stories of tomorrow.
The theme of this year’s exhibition is “Looking Forward – Dreams and
Aspirations for Papua New Guinea.” It challenges artists to envision
what our nation could become, to capture the hopes and ambitions of
a new generation. Through each brushstroke, each sculpture, and each
installation, these artists have given form to their visions for a brighter
future—one where art is not just a reflection of who we are, but a
beacon for who we can become.
Their works explore the complexity of modern PNG. These are the
stories of artists who dare to look beyond the present, to see a future
where creativity drives innovation, where the power of imagination
brings about change. Through these pieces, we are reminded that
dreams are the seeds of progress, and art is the vehicle that can turn
those dreams into reality.
Tonight, we witness not only the beauty of these works, but the
powerful messages of hope and ambition they carry for our nation’s
Andrew Moutu - Director Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art
“Welcome to the Akis Art Prize 2024 exhibition, hosted by the Art
Society of Papua New Guinea in partnership with the National
Museum and Art Gallery.”
Winnie Kiap – Arts Society PNG Patron:
[Speaking in Hiri Motu Language] “Good night, everyone. I welcome you
as Patron, and everyone who is here this evening—the artists, the
sponsors, the partners, the parents, and the supporters. Welcome,
everybody. It is truly wonderful that so many Papua New Guineans of
different ages participated in this competition. It is even more
gratifying to see the works of art that emerged from this competition.
For those who will receive prizes, congratulations. Well done. Go and
be an inspiration to others, encouraging them to test their ability and
self-confidence. You all may help create a PNG society where beauty,
grace, and culture are appreciated and displayed to better define our
diverse personalities yet knit us together through art as an attractive
Artist Lesley Wengembo:
“In the context of PNG, we definitely needed a competition like this. It
can boost the art industry, especially. What I see from all the entries is
that there are so many new artists emerging, which is really
Artist Alexandra Mullo:
Interviewer: “How did you come up with your Akis artwork here, and
what was your inspiration?”
AM: “It took me a while, actually. I was a bit stumped trying to come up
with something for the theme. But in the end, I came across a quote
that I had seen before, and it goes: ‘A society grows great when old
men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.’ I thought this was
a really nice message. Yeah, that’s basically the main concept behind
I: “Who is the kid?”
AM: “It’s not an actual kid. I got the reference from the internet and
then I just tried to make it look as Papua New Guinean as I could.”
Artist Ryan Bono:
“It’s based on the theme ‘Dreams and Aspirations for the Future of
PNG.’ It also represents the decisions and steps we make today that
will determine our tomorrow. The picture also shows courage in every
decision we make, and it gives a feeling that we’re expecting
something good, something better. It also tells my own story within the
picture—a person surviving, not with family but on my own, trying to
make choices now to cater for myself for the next day and so on. I
know many people will have their own stories to tell when looking at
that picture. I know most people who are caring for their families or
are the heads of their households can relate to that. They are making
decisions now for a better tomorrow. They say a picture contains a
thousand words, but paintings contain thousands of words, emotions,
feelings, and expressions.”
None of this would be possible without the incredible support of our
sponsors, whose contributions have helped bring this event to life.
Their commitment to fostering the arts in PNG is a testament to their
belief in the power of creativity to inspire change and drive progress.
As the evening draws to a close, we reflect on the incredible talent
showcased tonight. Each winner, each artist has contributed
something unique to this exhibition—something that reflects not only
their personal journey but the collective dreams of a nation. Their
works will continue to inspire long after the lights in this gallery have
As we celebrate the winners, we also celebrate the spirit of Timothy
Akis, whose legacy lives on through the artists of today and the
visionaries of tomorrow. His influence will continue to guide us as we
move forward, as we dream, and as we aspire to build a future worthy
of the creativity and passion that defines PNG.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Webmaster Iwalewahaus

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